
主要: 商业经济学
未成年人: 全球研究市场营销


I always knew that I wanted to go into the 业务 field, I was just not sure what branch I wanted to study. I actually started my first year as an 犹豫不决 主要的, due to the fact that I wanted to explore some of the 业务 fields before fully diving into one. 我最终发现自己身处其中 经济学 courses 和 it grabbed my interest right away. I really enjoyed those classes 和 the professors as well. By my second year, I had declared my 主要的 和 everything began to fall into place.


As for career objectives, I have always leaned towards going international. That is why I added a global studies minor. Whether it be international 经济学 or marketing, I plan to utilize all the skills Carroll has provided me. 我会的 出国留学 for an entire semester next year 和 am hopeful to l和 an internship abroad as well. In return, I hope this brings many new opportunities for the future.

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?  

Carroll is not only teaching students knowledge for their courses, but for life as well. Being a student here for two years, I have learned various life skills that I will carry with me forever. Carroll does a wonderful job on instilling professionalism 和 良好的价值观 他们的学生. This University helps you get a degree 和 teaches you how to thrive as an individual once you leave.

How have you had opportunities to work closely with Carroll faculty?

To be honest, the small classes 和 closeness with my professors has been a true blessing. It is one of my favorite aspects about attending a smaller university. It gives students the chance to make real connections not only with their peers but professors as well. Professors here care about your well-being 和 how you are doing in their class. They know who you are 和 will gladly go out of their way to help you succeed.

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your education at Carroll?

My most memorable academic experience was in my 跨文化研讨会 我的第一学期. It was a required course filled with students that were new to Carroll 和 new to each other. We were all nervous on what to expect 和 weren’t exactly sure how college was going to work yet. 然而, this brought us all closer together because we were all in the same boat 和 understood how each other was feeling. Even today, some of my closest friends were originally from that first semester CCS class. On top of this, the professor I had was an amazing person. He today still remains my favorite professor due to how caring, underst和ing 和 light-hearted he was. The energy he brought to the classroom rubbed off on us all 和 it truly wiped away my fears of college.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

Being involved at Carroll is a super easy thing to do. They have something here for everyone, I swear. 有无数的 俱乐部 加入. These organizations are always hosting events to get new members 加入 while giving the entire student-body a good time. Another great thing that Carroll promotes is 志愿者ing. There are always opportunities to 志愿者 on campus. Plus, if you are a part of a student organization, you are required to 志愿者. Carroll wants to teach us to give back 和 help our community 和 I find that to be a very charming quality of our university. As for me, I am involved in a few different student groups 和 I am always open 加入ing more. I love to meet new people 和 formulate connections with students 和 faculty. It is a great way to get yourself out there 和 make friends!

What would you say to someone considering 业务 经济学?

I would tell them that a lot of people shy away from an 经济学 主要的 because it seems too difficult or tedious, 但说实话, 我相信这完全值得. It is a great field to go into 和 Carroll’s 业务 school is an up-和-coming program that I am grateful to be a part of. The opportunities that this 主要的 provides are endless.

How has financial aid made a difference in your life?

我确实收到了一些 奖学金 from Carroll 和, without them, I probably wouldn’t be here today. I am forever thankful to Carroll for aiding my academic experience 和 providing me with the tools to succeed.

What’s your favorite place to study on campus?

我喜欢在学校学习 图书馆咖啡厅. In the winter it’s so cozy 和 smells of coffee. The hustle 和 bustle of everyone going in 和 out actually helps me focus on my work more. 当外面变暖的时候, I’ll go sit on the patio outside while basking in the sun, taking notes 和 waving to friends as they go by. 这里的每个人都很友好! It’s the simple things at Carroll that bring me pure happiness.
Learn more about the 业务 经济学 program

